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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  2004-09-14  |  691KB  |  3072x2048
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OCR: Tower offers great views of the Oueensgate Yards and some real railroad action! Welcome Tower HOME OF THE CINCINNATI RAIL ROAD CLUB The CiNC iNNAti RAiIROAD CLuB WELCOME provided CRRC Restoration solely and by non-profit the maint tenance volunteer Cincinnati of f'Tower Railroad organization Club for those having hobbyist interest in railroads The CRRC S not financially supported by the Cincinnati Museum Center and, in fact Isa rent paying tenant It is through your generous lonations that the CRRC can keep Tower oper to the public Volunteer members of the CRRC are available to answer any questions you may have and to help make your visit pleasant experience Thank You and Enjoy Your Visit TOWER Queensgate maintenance